At one year old, Cooper weighs 24.1 pounds and is 31 1/4 inches long. He has 8 teeth. He is not walking yet, but is very close! He can cruise like no other and can walk holding one of my hands. Cooper can say: mama, dada, bye bye, book, dog, ball, puff, and ta-da! He can make sounds for cow, sheep, and fish (moo, baa, glub-glub). He has the sweetest little giggle right now that sounds like a billy goat! :)
Cooper loves to play, eat, go outside, and be with other people. Cooper does NOT like to take naps!
Cooper likes to eat just about anything these days! Some of his favorites are blueberries, bananas, and grilled cheese sandwiches! He has also made the transition to whole milk! YEA, no more formula!
We can't believe all that Cooper has learned in one short year! Can't wait to see what his second year holds!