Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cooper 11 Months

Cooper turned 11 months on Saturday! Can you believe that he will turn one this month? We have decided to have a family only party since our guest list is already over 25!

At 11 months, Cooper is crawling, pulling up and cruising like crazy! He is learning so much so fast! He likes being outside, exploring, brushing his teeth, water, dogs, balls, pillows, trucks, and pretty much anything that he can push or bang together! He does NOT like grass, anything with an unusual texture, bibs, sitting still, having his diaper changed, or having his face wiped.

Cooper has 7 teeth, and number 8 is ready to push through soon!

He likes to eat just about anything mashable. His favorites are definitely cheese, yogurt, bananas, and Gerber puffs. We are currently working on transitioning from bottles to sippy cups with straws. As of today, we have replaced two bottles with sippy cups. This has not been as easy as I thought it would be! Any tips from you moms out there?

Cooper can pull up on just about anything, crawl (super fast), cruise, clap his hands, give others five, wave bye bye (still not consistently), reach for objects that he wants, and throw and roll a ball.

Cooper can say "DaDa", ball "bo", book "boo", mama "Ma", dog "do", puff "pu pu pu", and bye bye (not at the appropriate time). He constantly babbles jibberish. It sounds like he is speaking German! HA! He is able to understand many more words and phrases than that though!

Cooper is a happy and energetic little boy. He rarely sits still and enjoys being a part of everything! I love that he is so inquisitive, strong willed, and curious! It is so fun watching his little personality!

This laugh brightens my every day!


  1. Oh, that is a great laugh! I can't believe Mr. C is rounding the corner of his first seems like we were visiting him in the hospital just a few weeks ago.

  2. kelly he is so cute! i love his sweet little pictures. question. where do you get the t-shirts with his age on them? i've seen several kiddos with them but haven't been able to find them!

  3. Hey Jordan! They are actually stickers you can put on any onesie or shirt. I loved having them. You can get them here:! By the way, Lofton is so precious! I love her name!!!
