Last weekend we had our annual cousin Christmas with the McQuittys in DFW! Unfortunately, our schedules were only open for a weekend trip meaning everything was SO crowded. We still managed to sneak in some fun though!
We attempted lunch at The Rainforest Café, but quickly relocated to Fuddruckers.
Next stop was Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. Unfortunately, he was booked until late that night. So we enjoyed a ride on the reindeer carousel and a few ATVs instead. |
We took a break for naps and met back up in Sundance Square to see Santa! He was a great Santa, and one of my two loved it! The other one not so much. ;)
We spent the night in the Embassy Suites, and had so much fun. These two love a hotel!
On Sunday, Dad and Grandad went to the Dallas Cowboy game while the kids and I hung out in downtown Ft. Worth. We played and played and played on all the Christmas toys.
Then we met Mimi for lunch at Uno. Cooper got to make his own pizza and thought it was great!
After lunch we headed to The Cupcakery for some yummy cupcakes!
That evening we met back up with Cassie, Madie, and Marlie for our first experience at the Coyote Drive-In movie. Before the movie we enjoyed watching some ice skaters. Madie and Cooper thought it was hilarious when people fell or crashed.
Sweet Cousins |
Then we had some time for the little play area.
All snuggled up and ready to watch Frozen! We had SO much fun watching the movie from the back of our car. I have always wanted to go to a drive-in and thought it was great! Cooper and Hadley loved it too. This was Hadley's first movie and she watched the whole thing!
Fun memories!