Hadley is 10 months old! At 10 months, Hadley is full of fun! She is as busy as ever, and never seems to slow down. This month she has really started to try communicating verbally. She says "Uh Oh", "Dada", "Mama", and "Hi" regularly. She can also say, "No" and "Bye bye" but doesn't very often.
Hadley can stand on her own but no walking yet. She has been working on her climbing skills, and loves to climb onto the dishwasher, treadmill, and on the bottom shelf of my dining room buffet table. She has also discovered the joy of opening (and emptying) just about every cabinet and drawer in our house. Cabinet locks are being added daily. :) Hadley LOVES to dance. When she hears music, she stops whatever she is doing to give a little dance. It is precious! She knows the hand motions for pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, and "So Big!". She is growing so fast!
Hadley is almost completely on finger foods. I try to slip a little baby food in every now and then, but she much prefers to feed herself. She still has 4 teeth.

Here are a few videos for fun!
Walking with her lion
Telling her kitty, "No!"
Dancing! (She always raises one hand in the air. Ha!)