We finished up our last week of summer this past week. The kids have loved taking their classes at Powersports again this summer. Cooper did the superhero class and Hadley took gymnastics!
Every week they had a contest to save the "people" from the pit. The "superheroes had to collect as many blocks as they could and make a pile. The one with the most wins. Cooper cracked me up because he is so competitive. The last day he was carrying them in his mouth and kicking some to try to be able to get more.
Hadley demonstrating for her class.
Sweet friends on the last day
We also squeezed in one more trip to Port A! The sand was so clean and nice this trip! We had a lot of fun playing and building. The favorite part of this trip was looking for crabs on the beach at night with flashlights. The kids giggled and giggled as we chased them. Such fun memories!
Dancing to the music while waiting for the fishing boats to come in. |
The kids and I went bowling one day back in College Station. We had such a fun time.
Chad surprised Cooper and took him for a little father son trip to watch the Astros play the Rays (his 2 favorite teams). He was beyond excited. He was able to get 3 homerun balls during batting practice!
Hadley and I stayed home and had some girl time. We went to dinner, shopping, the park, had breakfast at Starbucks, and went to her first dance class of the season!
On Saturday, Chad and Cooper went to "Meet the Aggies". Cooper was able to meet and get autographs from lots of Aggie players and even Coach Sumlin!
We are sad that summer is over, but are SO thankful for all the fun times we have had! Looking forward to fall!