We had such a fun Halloween week! I think we had some type of Halloween event every single day! Whew!
First up, the Pebble Creek Country Club Haunting at the Creek!
Cooper was a member of the SWAT team. He chose this costume so he could have the gun, helmet, and handcuffs! :) It's all about the accessories. He has informed me that he will be something scarier next year though. Ha! |
Hadley was a ballerina.
Ballerina in action...
Ready for some candy!
Cooper and I braved the Haunted House. Chad took Cooper last year and they both said it wasn't scary at all. Well, they must have improved their game this year, because all I know is that I got chased by a guy with a chainsaw. HA!
Working the runway for the costume contest!
So happy with her treats. This girl loves Halloween!
Cooper's school had Trunk or Treat. (minus the trunks!) I am the room mom, and had a lot of fun getting everything together for his party!
Cooper's teachers Mr. Wil and Mrs. Kristen.
The theme for our "trunk" was Aggie Tailgate. Thanks for the good idea Betty. Super easy and fun!
; |
Hadley had this down complete with snacks. HA! She had a fun time helping me hand out candy to the kids. And she thought it was awesome that she got to wear Cooper's football uniform. |

These are the snacks I made for Cooper's party!
We also had our small group over for a BYOP (Bring Your Own Pumpkin) party. The kids decorated pumpkins while we visited. It was a lot of fun. This picture was taken before everyone got there and the glitter started flowing heavily. I'm pretty sure our grass is still sparkling!
The finished products!
Decorating our family pumpkins!
Hadley decided to paint her tiny pumpkin. Thank goodness, because I have no idea how we would have tried to carve it. |
Cooper gave very specific instructions to Daddy as he carved a bat in his pumpkin! Neither kid wanted any part of cleaning out the pumpkin. |