Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Half Birthday Hadley!

It is almost unfathomable that our sweet Hadley is 6 months old! Seriously, how did this happen so quickly.
At 6 months old, Hadley is 27 inches long and weighs 17lbs 3oz. She has four 6-7oz bottles and one meal of fruits and veggies(we are about to add one more meal of solids) per day. She has tried, rice cereal, avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pears, and apples. Suprisingly, she hates the pears and apples unless they are mixed with something else. Her first tooth just pushed through! She loves to feel it with her tongue. :) She has become a GREAT sleeper (after just 2 days of sleep training), and sleeps from about 7pm-6 or 6:30am. Yipee! She also takes three good naps!
She is a mover and a shaker and does not ever sit still! She even moves all over the place while sleeping. (see below) She loves to be on her tummy, and will roll there immediately almost every time we put her down. She has become very interested in her toys (and Cooper's). She tries to grab everything!
Hadley is such a happy girl! She has no problem communicating what she wants. She even has a special scream for when Cooper is bothering her. Ha! She is saying lots of dadada and mamama and bababa but of course with no meaning.

Tired girl after her well visit and 5 shots. (She never even cried, only a little whimper)

Crazy sleeper! Her arms and legs are almost always hanging out of the slats on her crib!
We love you sweet Hadley! Happy 1/2 birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I love that she has a special "Cooper is annoying me" scream!
