Monday, June 25, 2012

Swimming Lessons!

Cooper has been taking swimming lessons for the past 2 weeks!  He did so great, and was so brave!  The lessons got progressively harder (more going under water each time), so by the last few he was a little more hesitant.  Luckily, he was with his good friend, "the other Cooper", so he loved that!  They worked on blowing bubbles, kicking, scooping their arms, reaching for the side, climbing around the side, treading water, floating on their backs, putting their face in the water, going completely under, and jumping off the side and swimming back.  I was so impressed with how much he progressed.  The best part was seeing the pride on his face after he accomplished something.  He would look over at me with a huge smile.  Melted my heart!  So blessed to spend these times with him.  He was super excited that Daddy came to watch all he had learned on Friday.
Exhausted on the way home.  This NEVER happens!
Little Miss was content to sleep on the nice covered porch most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. How fun...and what a beautiful pool to learn in, too! K will take lessons at the end of July.
