Cooper turned 15 months old yesterday!
At 15 months Cooper loves to go on wagon rides, go to the park, watch airplanes and helicopters, play in the sand, play with pots and pans, pop bubbles, play ball, "clean":), chase and be chased, play ball, and read books. He is always busy!
He weighs 25.6lbs and is 32 1/2 inches long. He is in the 75 percentile in weight, height, and head size.
He is still a great eater! He loves any kind of fruit (blueberries and oranges are still his favorite). He loves chicken, cheese, sweet potatoes, and has also become a fan of cake. (Thanks to Chad's birthday!) Cooper knows how to get his own bowl, plate, and spoon and take it to his high chair. He has recently learned the fun of throwing his food. He has 12 teeth.
Some new words he can say include: pop, bubbles, Scott, cake, light, night night, duck, sit, and dust. He has also become very fond of saying "MaMa" lately! He can now make the chicken sound too!
Cooper can find his hair, head, eyes, mouth, teeth, ears, hands, legs, feet, and toes, belly button, and tummy. For some odd reason he won't point to his own nose, but can find other people's nose?
We recently got some letters and numbers for Cooper to play with in the bathtub. (Thanks for the tip Rachel!) He loves them! He can find the letters "C", "O", and "S" almost 100% of the time. He can't name any letters yet, but we are working on it!
We are having so much fun with Cooper at this age. He is such a happy and funny little boy. He loves to play! We love him so much!