At 9 months, Hadley is sitting, crawling, cruising, and can stand alone for several seconds at a time. She is very inquisitive and independent. She just crawls and explores ALL day long. Hadley rarely cries, but boy can she scream. She has this ear piercing squeal that she uses very often to express her needs. She definitely gets her point across. (This is the main reason we have not been to many restaurants in awhile) Ha! Hadley can wave bye bye and occasionally says, "Bye Bye" too. She LOVES pat a cake and peek a boo. Hadley definitely loves being outside. We have been enjoying this warm weather! She cries when we go inside and stands at the back door trying to get out! :)
Hadley has officially entered the world of finger foods. This month we added cheese, yogurt, cheerios, and lots of fruits and veggies in the "finger food" version. She is doing great with a sippy cup, and much prefers the kind with a straw. We now have 2 bottom teeth and 2 teeth coming in on top!
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This is how we know when her teeth are bothering her. Ha |
At her 9 month well check, Hadley weighed 19lbs 5oz(70th percentile) and was 28 inches long (60th percentile). She checked out perfect! Although the doctor did say we better watch out for her because she is a stinker. Ha! She kept trying to take his stethescope off his neck and fought the nurse pretty hard (but didn't shed a tear) when she pricked her finger. She has grown alot more blonde hair. It cracks me up sticking out all over the place and not a curl in sight. Looks like she is going to keep those big blue eyes like her brother.
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Hadley's first wagon ride! Can you tell she LOVED it? Cooper thought it was pretty great to have a buddy too!