This weekend, we went to Abilene for Uncle Case's high school graduation! We were so proud of him!
Chad, Case, and Cassie
Cooper and the graduate!
Unfortunately, graduation started right at Cooper's bedtime. We were lucky that Grandmommy and PaPa came along to entertain Cooper. They walked around with him for most of the ceremony and even got him to sleep! Thanks Grandmommy and PaPa! On the other hand, Cousin Madie was a perfect angel in her purple and gold tutu!
Grandmommy gave us the great idea to take Cooper's picture in Case's graduation hat. (She thought it might come in handy someday when Cooper is a High School graduate!) was a good idea, but Cooper wasn't very cooperative!
This is the best one we got! MiMi had to distract Cooper with her necklace!

The rest of the weekend was pure fun! Swimming, watching birds, playing with Reb (the dog), trying to get to Madie's bows... Daddy even bought Cooper a little pool to play in.

The rest of the weekend was pure fun! Swimming, watching birds, playing with Reb (the dog), trying to get to Madie's bows... Daddy even bought Cooper a little pool to play in.

Madie decided to join in the fun, but only for a second. (Yes, Cooper is in a swim diaper only, much to my dismay!)

Guess this is what graduates do after 13 years of hard work!