(Meghan and Kate "babysitting" Cooper!)
We have been very busy during the last week and a half! First we took our first road trip to Abilene! We visited MiMi, Grandad, and Case first. Then we went to see Grandmommy and PaPa. Cooper's cousins Meghan and Kate were there too! They had fun playing "Mommy" with all of Cooper's things!
When we got home Cooper's Aunt Kristen came to stay with us for a few days!
On Saturday, Cooper finally got to meet his uncle Kent for the first time! Maybe someday Cooper will be as tall as he is!

(This is Cooper smiling at Grandmommy before we left!)
Chad had to go to Houston for a few days for an oil sale so I took Cooper back to Abilene for a few days. Cooper got to meet his Great Grandparents and his Great Aunt and Uncle on this trip! He is really starting to smile now! He even laughed a little when MiMi played with him!