We had such a fun trip to Abilene this summer! We enjoyed getting to see everyone and making the rounds to all our Abilene favorites!
Cooper, Reb, and Grandad
Hadley, Reb, and MiMi
The kids had so much fun playing with Reb this trip! We spent one morning and Mom Mom and PaPa Mart's house. Cooper loved seeing PaPa's rock collection. He even got to take home a special one!
We went to hear the zookeepers talk at the library! The kids got to see and touch several animals!
We made a visit to the Dr. Seuss statues downtown,
And went to see the prairie dogs (after Mr. Gatti's of course!)
The kids loved the zoo this time. We were really impressed with the new giraffe exhibit. The kids even wanted to use their own money to feed the giraffes!
PaPa, Grandmommy, Hadley, and Cooper
Ice cream break!
Then we cooled off at the splash pad!
We had such a great time! Thanks everyone!